By: Mike Zarate 

Project Discription

This is a Reverse Engineering project I did for an IED class in High school, of a mechanical pencil called the Pentel P205, where i took the product apart. I seperated all the parts determined the function of each part, mesured them, and remade them in CAD.

Product Description

This Mechanical Ratchet pencil is made by an office supply line called Pentel. This Mechanical Pencil has a 4mm sleve for for technical drawings. The grip at the bottom of the pencil offers you a great control with absolute presision. This drafting pencil has a hidden eraser with a lead plunger that distributes the lead in small incriments when it is pushed down. This happens because the spring contracts and it in turn pushes the clamps out of the clamp holder and opens the clamps up this makes a small incriment of lead come out of the pencil.   

The Actual Mechanical Pencil 

 The Pentel P205 Dissasembled

The Assembled Mechanical Pencil  

Part 1: Base 

Description: The main part of the Mechanical pencil that holds everything in place.

Overall Dimensions: 4.445 x .356

Material: Polypropylene

Density: 1.200 g/cm^3

Mass: 0.006 lbmass

Volume: 0.141 in^3

Surface Area: 8.352 in^2


Part 2: Lead Holder 

 Description: This part hold the lead for reserve and is attatched to the clamp colar and holds the erasor.

Overall Dimensions: 3.909'' x .249''

Material: Polypropylene

Density: 1.200 g/cm^3

Mass: 0.003 lbmass

Volume: 0.054 in^3

Surface Area: 4.998 in^2

Part 3: Clamp Colar 

Description: Held in place by the lead holder used as a spacer for the pencil and guides the lead into the clamps.

Overall Dimensions: .776'' x .076''

Material: Brass

Density: 8.470 g/cm^3

Mass: 0.001 lbmass

Volume: 0.003 in^3

Surface Area: 0.278 in^2


Part 4: Erasor 

Description: The erasor holds in the lead fo the pencil and is used for misteaks made when drawing.

Overall Dimensions: .563'' x .171''

Material: Rubber

Density: 0.930 g/cm^3

Mass: 0.000 lbmass

Volume: 0.011 in^3

Surface Area: 0.312 in^2

Part 5: Erasor Holder 

 Description: This part goes into the lead holder and holds the erasor in place/

Overall Dimensions: .399'' x .199''

Material: Aluminium

Density: 2.710 g/cm^3

Mass: 0.001 lbmass

Volume: 0.011 in^3

Surface Area: 0.312 in^2

Part 6: Spring

Description: The spring makes the pencil work and gives it the ability to pop back out after you plunge more lead out.

Overall Dimensions: .706'' x .160''

Material: Tin

Density: 2.710 g/cm^3

Mass: 0.000 lbmass

Volume: 0.002 in^3

Surface Area: 0.485 in^2


Part 7:  Top

Description: Covers Erasor

Overall Dimensions: .809'' x .250''

Material: Aluminium

Density: 2.710 g/cm^3

Mass: 0.000 lbmass

Volume: 0.005 in^3

Surface Area: 1.324 in^2

Part 8: Clamp Holder  

Description: This part keeps the clamps from letting to much lead out.

Overall Dimensions: .580'' x .154''

Material: Brass

Density: 8.470 g/cm^3

Mass: 0.002 lbmass

Volume: 0.007 in^3

Surface Area: 0.444 in^2


Part 9: Clamps 

 Description: These are used in the clamp holder and letting the right incriment of lead out

Overall Dimensions: .395'' x .076''

Material: Brass

Density: 8.470 g/cm^3

Mass: 0.000 lbmass

Volume: 0.001 in^3

Surface Area: 0.138 in^2

Part 10: Tip 

Description:  This part directs the lead to one spot and prevents the lead from breaking
Overall Dimensions: .799'' x .221''
Material: Polished Aluminium

Density: 2.710 g/cm^3

Mass: 0.001 lbmass

Volume: 0.015 in^3

Surface Area: 0.703 in^2


Product Innovation  

 The Innovation that i have made on the Pentel P205 Base is i added better finger grips. It is now equiped with oval finger grips the new grip on the Pentel p205 conforms to your fingers perfectly and allows for hours of drawing or writing, and has a sleek look and a great addition to the pencil.

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